
Where you study or work best

Where you study or do your work can greatly influence your ability to think, learn and complete tasks. Often a few simple changes can make a big difference. It will be helpful for you to know your Environment Power Traits and to use them to guide you as much as possible in the learning process.

Try to create a study or work environment where you can be comfortable AND pay attention. This will help you to do your best work and remember more. Think about the following:

  • Do you need quiet, noise, or music playing?
  • Do you need to sit at a desk, lie on the floor, or walk around?
  • Do you need to be alone or with other people to do your best work? Maybe you like the company of your pet!
  • Do you need warm or cool temperatures? Maybe you do better with fresh air.
  • Do you need dim or bright light? Natural or indoor lighting?
  • What colors energize you, make you feel comfortable, or inspire you?
  • What colors sap energy, make you feel uncomfortable, are uninspiring?

When exploring careers, consider the typical working environment, and go for a match with your preferences.

Activity: Make Predictions

Make a hypothesis – Predict the conditions you think are best for your study or work environment:

  • with or without music?
  • planned exercise breaks every 20 minutes or no breaks?
  • working on your bed, at a desk in a quiet space, at the kitchen table?
  • taking breaks for water and snacks?
  • time of day: right after school, after dinner, before bed?
  • text messaging and use of social media?

Download a worksheet by clicking here. Preferred Study Environments – Test Your Hypothesis

  • Collect your data and compare with others in your class, family, or group
  • Were you surprised by your findings?

Learn More

If you have taken the Self-Portrait™ power traits assessment use the https://powertraitsforlife.com website to help you understand and use your Power Traits for Life™.

Use the top navigation bar to find pages that correspond to your top Dispositions, Talents, Modalities, Interests and preferred Environment. You can also use the “search” field at the top right of the screen to learn more about how to leverage your strengths.

Support Student-Centered Learning

To learn more about how to use the Self-Portrait™ power traits assessment as a fundraising tool for your organization, click here.